In Conversation: Brendon P. talking about his latest production - The East Coast Spirit EP [Rawjak].
So where on earth do you get your inspiration from?
- I usually just have an idea and then just get started on the drums. The bass-line is always kind of humming in my head so that generally gets laid down next, and then I just flow from there. There's no real inspiration or template that I go with, just an idea that creeps in there when I'm in the weirdest of places.
Normally NEVER in a club. And the end result normally also doesn't quite turn out the way I envisioned it to be initially. Most of the time it's better, some of the time I just get lost and trash the whole thing and start again another day.
Since when did you start working on your production?
- I have been working on an album project since November last year actually and have about 6 to 7 more or less finished tracks done already. They're quite varied and don't really just conform to one specific genre or style. I'm even working on a drum and bass one at the moment. I've always loved drum and bass, didn't really get the whole dubstep thing, but drum and bass and I share a secret love to some extent.
I've also been sending a few more tracks out to other international labels as well, so I hope something positive comes from that soon. Funnily enough, this is the first EP I've had out on my own and I'm quite glad and thankful that Has hit me up on wanting to release this one.
Before this I'd done two remixes for DjB's "Incheon" and "The Urban Word"; both released on John Julius Knight's US based label Reversoul Music. I was quite chuffed when Byden (DjB) chose to use my remix on the Defected ITH Zoukout 10 mix CD, but it was working well on the Zouk main floor for most of the residents sets so, I suppose it was an obvious choice (LOL).
And it got me on the "Defected" roll-call in a way, so I'm really happy about that. So yeah, I reckon there'll be more stuff out during the course of the year. I've also done two remixes for a Pasadena based Singapore singer/songwriter named Geraldine Png who's a great songwriter, and it was a challenge to work with vocals and take her music into a new perspective. She's been happy with the results thus far and I may just creep up and choose one more of her tunes to re-interpret. They're available for free download so go look them up sometime.
Great! Before we end our conversation, any last words?
- As for props and thank you notes, I guess first and foremost, I'll thank God for blessing me with this ability and my folks for allowing me to make this my career from a very young age (and bearing with the extreme decibel levels throughout my early practice and mix tape runs back then).
And all the true friends, old colleagues and people that kept me in their care and support all through the years and continue to do so. And the new one's I've met and made recently along the way too.
Coolios bro, I wish you all the best to where you are heading and it shall be good!
Shlalom. Itchi.
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